Thursday, April 15, 2010

Update Delayed

Sorry, I've got limited battery and signal tonight. Should be better in town tomorrow. So just the nuts and bolts for now:

Biked 78 miles today to just east of New Roads, LA (I can't get an exact fix) and am staying at Jim's Campground.  Can't beat the price, either. For you climbers, it's the Miguel's of RV parks - without the pizza. For you non-climbers, you'll have to ask a climber what that means.

Will have to fix a flat before headed out tomorrow, but don't know what the plans are beyond that, yet.

-Chris (from his Palm Pre)

1 comment:

  1. hey man great job on the 78 miles!! You will be to Canada in no time!! Make sure you replace the tube you are using so you have plenty on back up tubes!
