Monday, April 19, 2010


With my friend Mike Tucker, above, unexpectedly so gravely injured and me being 1,000 miles from home, I don't think I can bike safely and would prefer to be around friends and family right now. So I'm taking a break from the MRT for a while. My friend Ben is currently on his way to Natchez, MS to pick me up and I'm looking for ways to head north so he doesn't have to drive all the way down here for us to meet up.

As I've been talking with people over the last day I'm reminded of little anecdotes from the trail that I negleted to mention in my end-of-day wrap ups. I'll share some of those short stories as the week unfolds until a final decision is made on resuming the MRT. I'd like to restart my trip here from Natchez next week, but I won't be able to make that decision for several days.

I'd also really like to express my thanks to the staff here at the Hampton Inn, especially Dominique, who were able to help me out as my situation is so fluid right now.

Thank you all, and please send Mike your best wishes.

-Chris (from his Palm Pre)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Feeling Far Away

This bike beside me and my phone are the only connection with home.

-Chris (from his Palm Pre)

Staying an Extra Day

With Mike in such critical condition, I wanted to stay an extra day in Natchez where I'd have phone service. So two rest days here, I guess.

-Chris (from his Palm Pre)

Mike Made it Through the Night

-Chris (from his Palm Pre)